I have to say, I was so pleased to see that my blog was still in existance when I clicked on my favorites. It was like going down memory lane!
So much has happened and changed since I posted last. God has been so good. My Meghan, whom I was so worried for back then is now walking with the Lord, married to Joey, a marine, and is expecting her second daughter in June! Our granddaughter Courtney is a delight. Such a little thing, but developmentally on top of her game at 2 1/2, talking up a storm, and keeping her momma hopping. She loves to sing, and just chatters her entire waking moments! They live far away in Virginia, but it is so easy with FB and all to see regular photos of her and to hear all the latest. Meghan calls almost everyday, which is precious.
My second daughter Amber was married to Jared in September and by the beginning of November had announced a new grandbaby on the way! Efficient! We are so excited for them! Baby is due in July and will be delivered at home by my midwife!
Our son Kellen is married to Nicole now for 2 1/2 years. It is so wonderful to see what a mature young man he is, and what a good provider he is. They were able to purchase a home this last year, which has been really exciting for them. God has been so good to have him working for a great employer, who is keeping him busy with construction projects, which in this economy is pretty incredible. They are even paying for his construction management certificate program that he is taking through UW. Nicole is a nanny. They have a cute Siberian Husky named Chloe.
Meanwhile since starting this blog, Emma and Nolan joined our family. Emma is a 3 year old spitfire! She is a strawberry blonde curly top, who definitely keeps us on our toes! She is always up to some mischief or another. Nolan is 23 mo. and is such a little love. He is so smart. He has a bunch of those Melissa and Doug wooden puzzles of trains, fire engines, and even the alphabet. If you dump them all out into a big pile, he can put them all back together in record time! He is very observant and just rotates the pieces until they match and then puts them in. Emma still doesn't have the patience for puzzles. She is so distracted! She has other skills though!
Our biggest adventure is that we are selling our house. It hasn't been easy to get it ready and maintain "ready to show" status at all times with 11 children living at home! They say the market is picking up, so we hope to have a buyer soon, but meanwhile there have been lots of reasons why the Lord has kept us here. Lots of crisis in our community that have needed our attention. It has been a joy to be His hands and to bless our friends and neighbors. When the Lord wills, we will be relocating to the midwest, where Louie's job needs us more than here. I am excited to start a more rural life, and a farming adventure. Anticipating a "spinner's flock", some milking goats, some poultry for meat and eggs, and a big garden. This is the life I've pined for, for a long time, so it will be fun to get to it! It will be equally hard to move away from our parents and adult children, a new grandbaby and our community and church in which we are deeply rooted.
One new pursuit of mine, anticipating our own supply of wool, is spinning. I have been a knitter for years. I took a spinning class in November, and now am researching spinning wheels. Very excited about making my own yarn! Right now I am knitting a cardigan sweater for me. I rarely knit for myself, unless it is a pair of socks now and then, but I saw this pattern and some wonderful alpaca/cashmere/marino wool in a deep teal color, and decided to treat myself. I am working on the last sleeve! It has a fun bellflower pattern around the bottom, collar, and wrists. This wool is a dream to knit up too!
Well, that seems like enough news to get me started! Thanks for checking in.
Wendy! I can't believe you are selling the house! Its such an Eglon icon...and moving away, because YOU are such an Eglon icon! But I love technology! I just found your blog and I hope you keep it updated! Its good to see and hear what my old friends and neighbors are doing and what adventures life is bringing them! Take care and keep blogging!
-emma (nielsen...now bush :)
Hi Emma,
Not sure if you've confused me with Heather Bryant, but I'm not in Eglon. We are on Bainbridge. Sorry that I confused you! I am a good buddy of Heather though! We have a few things in common. ;)
I can't wait to see your cardigan sweater!!! And then I'll show you how to post a photo of it to show everyone else! :)))
Hi dear Wendy. What a awesome daughter you are. God truly blessed our home when He trusted you to us. We have loved every minute of your life and are in constant awe as God daily guides you and Louie and gives you grace and strength.
And we are so in love with those precious children he entrusted into your home. Not a day goes by that Dad and I don't pray for each of you by name.
It is going to be hard on us to see you leave on your adventure; but we know you both are trusting on God's leading and feel called to this move. We are thankful that Kellen and Amber and their families are close. We will love and encourage them and can't wait for Amber and Jared's precious little one. You can be sure that Papa and Nana will love and cherish him/her. Mom
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